As is now common knowledge, Glen's birthday was last Friday (August 1). We saw Taming of the Shrew and went to dinner. Oh, and I made him a special breakfast and gave him Mary Poppins (a movie he likes, but not what he asked for...). Needless to say, he was a little disappointed but tried to hide it. I didn't even have a cake for him... What he didn't know is I had a surprise waiting for him the next day. He thought his best friend, Roy, was in Moab. A little lie he came up with to really make the surprise fun. Anyway, since we were traveling up north for Katie's baptism, I thought I would get a group of his friends together for a surprise party at a restaurant. He thought we were meeting one of our friends for a casual lunch. When we got there, they were all peeking out of the restaurant window, but he didn't notice. We walked in and they all yelled, "Happy Birthday!" It was pretty funny. Then we sat for lunch and I gave Glen his real presents: some Wii gear. (Actually, the only thing he asked for was sheet music which I ordered but isn't here yet) Oh, and of course Roy was there. He would never miss Glen's birthday. Then we traveled up to Clinton for Katie's baptism. It was great to get to know his family a little better and to be a part of such a special event for Katie. Then it was back to Candice and Dayton's for a surprise birthday cake and some Disney Scene It. Overall I think it was a good birthday experience for him. At least, I had fun! (pictures to come as soon as I find a replacement USB for my camera... things get lost when you move.)