Hey, I stole some pictures from a friend so that you could all get a taste of halloween at the Hicks' residence. After the pictures of us are the pictures of my family.

So here I am in the background as a witch. As you can see, there are spiderwebs on the lamp. Glen covered most of the furniture and pictures with swebs (as Caitie calls them). It was awesome! The girl in front is our friend Kristen. She is a murder victim from an episode of Bones which is the favorite at their house.
Here Glen acts as the undertaker for the the dead body in our graveyard. If you look closely you can see the ghoul in our front window.
This is my awesome brother Dayton as the mad scientist.

This is Cameron as the science experiment gone wrong... terribly wrong.

And this is my sister Candice, the assistant, and Dax, experiment #2.

My brother Taylor, sister Miken and nephews Dade and Tayen
as various characters from Dark Knight.
Miken makes all of their costumes.
The Halloween party was really fun. We had enough food for the neighborhood and enough candy for seventeen neighborhoods. Too bad only ten kids stopped by... I was a little disappointed, but now I get to look forward to the happiness November and December bring me!