So I made it through my crazy week. The RS activity went really well and Glen and Theora did a great job, of course. I took my final and passed the course with a B. Not my best work but the course is over and that's all I care about at this point. The orchestra concerts were also well done. The kids have worked really hard and Glen is a genius so put two and two together and you get a great concert. After the activity on Saturday, we loaded up the car and headed to Vegas. We were only there to sleep since we wouldn't get in to Springville until about 3 or 4 in the morning. That wasn't happening. We got to see my brother who was there for a training which was fun.
We made it to Springville on Sunday afternoon and Glen thankfully took George over to Grandpa's house while I took a two hour nap. Mmmmm.... I could use one of those right now. We stayed at my little sister's house which is a mother-in-law apartment at the back of Glen's dad's house. It was nice to be so close to family! George went a little stir crazy in the small space, though. My sister and I swapped houses so she came here and took care of Charlie and the house and we took care of her dog and house. It was a pretty sweet set up.
Most of my time in Utah was spent working but when I wasn't doing that, we were shopping, eating, and spending time with family. One day I actually went into the office. We had a Christmas party and it was really fun! I love to be able to see the people I work with and interact with them.
We took Grandpa Hicks up to the Natural History Museum at Thanksgiving Point the day before Christmas Eve. George loved it! He now loves dinosaurs!

Christmas Eve was spent at Glen's sister's house which is the annual tradition. We all get together and eat and exchange gifts. It's always a lot of fun! George got a LeapFrog bus that teaches the alphabet from his cousins. He loves it!

Christmas was awesome! George had a slight cold but he was still a happy boy. He got a tricycle from Grandma Robin that he loves! He went straight for it Christmas morning and wouldn't get off. We were able to have Christmas morning at Glen's dad's house and it was a lot of fun! Between the six of us (Dad, Glen, Marie, Marianne, me and George) we had enough presents to last an hour and a half. It was nuts! My most exciting presents were my new breastfeeding cover and Moby wrap! They are so cute! Glen and Marie got me those.

The week following Christmas was a little crazy. Glen woke up not feeling well on Tuesday and stayed in bed all day. I was feeling fine until that night. All night long I was vomiting and doing other unpleasant things. The next day was spent recuperating until the evening when we went to a friend's wedding reception. It was at the same reception hall where we had our reception and is the only other reception we have been to at that venue. It's a nice little place in Provo. We walked over to Sammy's around the corner and got hamburgers afterward. Anyway, the rest of the week was spent cleaning the house and packing. Our last night I took my car over to my brother's house and he replaced the speakers. I didn't get back to the house until one in the morning and we had decided to get up and leave as soon as George got up. George woke up around five so I got a good four hours of sleep and then drove the whole way home. I prefer to be the driver because, well, let's face it, I like to be in control... I almost let Glen drive when we got to Wickenburg but I had a time I wanted to get home and if I wasn't driving I couldn't guarantee we would make it. I have a problem.