Today is the last day of July. You know what that means! Tomorrow is Glen's birthday! We are going to go see Taming of the Shrew at the Shakespearean Festival and then we'll go to dinner. He'll finally be as old as me.... 19. Just kidding. We will be 23 together until I have a birthday in November. Anywho, we have all kinds of plans for August. We will be going to Michigan for the Bayview Week of Handbells from Aug. 9-16. It is also a big birthday month for our family.
Aug 1: Glen's B-Day
Aug 2: Katie Sticht's (niece) baptism
Aug 4: Candice's B-Day
Aug 5: Brandon's (brother) B-Day
Aug 15: Cameron's (nephew) 1st B-Day
I'm sure there are more that I am forgetting... Anyway, my mom is coming up to Utah to visit us the weekend of Cam's birthday. We get home that Saturday from Michigan so we will stay at Dayton and Candice's and have the chance to see her for a day or so. I will be going in to work that Monday the 18th which is very convenient. I'm sure by Monday I will have some fun stories from Glen's birthday.