Unless you are his Grandma, I don't expect you to watch the whole video...
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
2 month stats!

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Wait, Scratch that, Reverse it...
2 months! (and 1 week & 4 days)

Compared to this, which was taken during his first week:


As for those of you (Kristin) who were confused about the "Three boys" thing, the third boy is Charlie. In the picture in my last post, he is playing the role of "Glen's pillow".
After Mexico, I found out Glen's new job wanted me to interview as well so we had to stay an extra week in Arizona for that. I don't think I will get it. It is a part-time Spanish teaching position. Which would be awesome but I don't have a teaching license and even though they are a charter school, they like all of their teachers to have licenses. We had planned to come home yesterday but Glen got the flu so we stayed one more day. We are finally home!!! HOME!!! In the meantime, George grew out of some of the clothes we had packed for him. But the good news is he fits into the really cute outfits that are good for church. But more on Georgie in the next post.
The last few weeks...

Everything with the house has gone so smoothly, it's hard not to think it is right for us.
Then we went to Mexico on Sunday, May 30th with the whole family. It was so much fun! Last time I was there, Glen and I were dating and this time I was married and had a sweet little baby! A lot changes in 2.5 years! I think I will make a new post for that though....
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy!