We had a great time in Utah! Our only regret is that we didn't get to see everyone we wanted to. But we did get to spend a lot of time with family which was our main goal. We arrived in Cedar City on Saturday night and spent the night at our friend Jackie's house. She was very hospitable and even made us Sunday dinner! Anyway, we went to our old ward for church on Sunday and saw a lot of our friends. It was bittersweet, sitting there behind Widows' Row. It brought back feelings of belonging and love. It just made us want to move back to Cedar even more. I spent the last hour with the young women. It was way fun to be there again!
We got to Springville around 8:30 Sunday night and stopped over at my sister's house to say hello. We weren't there long since George goes to bed at that time. We were able to spend some time at my brother Dayton's house were we were fed and entertained. Their kids are so cute! And Gus, who is 3 weeks older than George, is getting so big!

We also spent some time at Glen's Dad's house. It was great to see his sisters who came down from Northern Utah to see us! Way northern. Like Logan, Clinton and Farmington. George had a blast with his cousins! And Aunt Miranda brought a bunch of toys and clothes her kids had grown out of. George is so lucky!
(and so is his mom)
Aunt Marie
Aunt Marianne
Grandpa Hicks telling stories!We went to Gardner Village with Caitie and Nate and had a great time!
George on a witch's cart
Trying on a witch's hat
Caitie and Nate at Archibald's
We had a wonderful time in Utah! The weather was amazing and we can't wait to go back for Thanksgiving!