Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
So, I did it! I lost 46 pounds as of the day before we left. However, I gained a little weight while we were out... Not surprising by any means but we did still jog 4 out of 5 days and I didn't eat a lot of crap because I was not feeling well for three of the days. I thought for several hours I was pregnant because that is what the nausea I had felt like. But I took a pregnancy test and it was negative and as soon as I crossed the border back into the states I was feeling just fine. I have never had stomach issues in Mexico. I have a stomach of steel. But not this year...
The trip was a huge success! George absolutely loved the beach. He sat in the sand and played with shovels and buckets and he even braved the surf. When we went fishing and snorkeling, he wanted to get in the ocean with me so I let him. We had a wonderful time with family and can't wait for the next year! Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip:

I hesitate to post this last one... but it's for posterity, right? Every kid is looking for a bikini shot of her great-grandma, right?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
So Close and Yet So Far Away