My mom is going to Anaheim tomorrow for a convention and she will be in Disneyland in Thursday. This made me extremely jealous and I tried to work it out so that George and I could go with but it just didn't work. So then I got to work thinking about how I could get to Disneyland before the end of the year. Glen and I were going to go in October for Fall break but we decided to save money and go to Utah instead. Well, I really want to go to Disneyland. My little sister is coming to town next week and I thought, "Caitie loves Disneyland, maybe she will drive over with me while she is here." So, I ran this by my mom and she said, "I will go, too!" Well, I asked my boss if I could take a couple of days off in about two weeks and he said that was fine (usually it has to be approved a month in advance). I booked a hotel yesterday and just bought tickets online. Now we have to go. I am so frackin' excited! We are taking George and my six month-old niece Jeri so it will be low-key and I am totally okay with that. I just want to be in the atmosphere of the happiest place on earth!
Glen is not going because he refuses to take a day off. But now that mom is going, he wouldn't have fit in the car anyway. So, it's a girls' and babies' trip. Woot!
Girls Trip
2 months ago