Boy howdy did we have a good time in Jackson! This year my parents took us to Wyoming for our family trip in lieu of the Mexico trip. This was good because my postpartum body enjoyed being covered in many layers.

We started the trip in Utah where Glen was able to bless Baby Oliver in his dad's ward where all of our families could gather. It was great! Before the blessing (since the ward didn't start until 1 pm and we were leaving for Wyoming that afternoon) we had an open house at my brother's house in Springville. It was a lot of fun and I got to see some friends I haven't seen in a long time. We got into Alpine, WY about 9 pm on Sunday evening which meant nothing was open. We were all starving but made do. Our first day was spent in Jackson Hole just the four of us. We went shopping and George played with toy trains. Luckily he fell asleep in the car on the way back to the hotel around lunch time and we were all able to take a nap before heading back to town for the shoot out and dinner. My mom offered to watch George that evening so Glen and I could see the show at the Jackson Hole Playhouse. It was "The Ballad of Cat Balou". It was a great show!
Tuesday was Jenny Lake day. We spent the morning driving to Jenny Lake and keeping a lookout for wildlife. We saw a couple of moose and some antelope. We had breakfast all together at Nora's Fish Creek Inn (a family favorite and a tradition). My mom made us all dress in plaid for family pictures up at the lake. PS. My brother Taylor has had that mustache since November (Mustache Movember) and my brother Dayton thought it would be funny if all of the guys grew facial hair for the trip. Glen wanted to be clean shaven for the blessing so he opted out. But this hopefully explains why I have so many pedophillic-looking men in my family photo.
Wednesday was another free day. We spent it driving around Jackson. We went to Ripley's Believe it or Not and to the Alpine Slide. It was way fun! George got to ride the slide twice and he absolutely love it! That evening we went to a chuck wagon dinner that drives you out to the forest. They fed us and sang songs. George wore his cowboy hat only until it was time for the chuck wagon dinner when it would have been most appropriate. Oh well!
Despite the look on his face, George had a blast!
Thursday was white water rafting day! I got to go since Glen didn't want to go and offered to watch the boys. It was so much fun as always! More pictures to come of that once my mom has her water-proof disposable camera developed.
Friday we drove back to Utah. We had the privilege of visiting some of our best friends in the hospital to meet their new baby, Lyam Bryce. He is so darling. We went out to Spaghetti Factory for dinner since it's our favorite and we don't have a close one here in AZ. We drove home Saturday to find everything in order on the home front. It is always nice to be home! I started work again on Monday and things seem to be moving along nicely.
Also, in case anyone was wondering, I still get my daily hives. They were especially bad in Jackson for some reason.