My birthday week started on Sunday. My mom made the dinner of my choice (Navajo tacos) and Glen made the dessert of my choice (New York cheesecake). My mom had also made her famous cinnamon rolls and Glen made a two-layered carrot cake for good measure. It was all delicious and it was all a lot of food to digest. My mom also gave me some gifts that day since she would be in Utah for the actual day of my birth. She got me a giant bag of Hot Tamales, a real-live wok (which we used the next day for teriyaki chicken) and a rotating waffle-maker. It was an awesome day!

On my actual birthday, yesterday, Glen made me some from scratch waffles in my new waffle-maker and I ate them with the leftover strawberry sauce from the New York cheesecake. I received lots of lovely phone calls, texts and Facebook messages. They made me feel so special! Glen got home from work around four-thirty with flowers, a card and a few gifts. I got Epic Mickey and Dance Dance Revolution for the Wii and Dumbo on blu-ray! I'm so spoiled. Then told me he had a babysitter lined up and we had reservations for 6:00pm. I had just gotten out of the shower and the nearest place with reservations was at least 30 min away. So I hurriedly got ready and we dropped George at my wonderful brother and sister-in-law's house with my amazing nephews that are George's best friends. We had a lovely dinner at PF Chang's that was only interrupted a few times with more texts and a phone call from my other brother who was mad at Glen for not answering his text about our address so my flowers from him did not get here on time. I love brothers!

But the birthday celebrations are not over! Unfortunately for my family, they continue! We will be going to Buca di Beppo on Saturday. If you have never been to this restaurant, I suggest you go and at least try the gnocchi. Mmmmmm...
In my defense, I was planning on simply celebrating my birthday on Saturday at Buca's and Glen added all of the fanfare on my actual birthday. It wasn't supposed to be a three-day celebration. Thanks Honey!!