Charlie is my Yorkie that I love as if he were my child, because, well, he is. Lately he has been super naughty. I'm thinking mentally he is now a two year-old. He's almost been hit by a car twice because he doesn't listen to me anymore. We let him out and watch him and if he goes too far we yell for him to come back and it's like he's deaf. However, I love him! He is my baby. Here is a picture:
This picture was taken just after I finished blow drying his hair and he rubbed himself all over the carpet to get the clean smell off of him, so his hair is a little staticky (apparently not a word, but if it were, this is how it would be spelled...).
I disagree completely. When I see staticky I break out in song (sta-sta-sta-sticky) in my head. Well...I guess not always in my head, but that's irrelevant. I think I would have to go statickey or something to prevent that from happening. Either that or you could get rid of the K. But then if it was staticy or staticey then you'd just be saying stat-icy and the soft C would be no good. You could go static-y but then it's obvious that it isn't a real word and we don't want people thinking that. Frankie suggests staticcy but that's just weird. That's why I went with the ey initially...
Jason heard the whole "almost hit by a car" episode the other night from our living room. He had to come downstairs and tell me about it. He thought it was very funny. Not funny that Charlie almost died, but funny that he doesn't have the only disobedient dog on the block.
And now you can relate with me when you hear me yelling down the street at my 2 year old.
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