Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Baby bump? 'fraid not.
My next appointment is in ten days and I will be at almost 16 weeks. I know people who have found out the sex by then but my doctor tends to leave me in the dark about these things and I haven't asked. I will ask at my next appointment though. Hopefully I won't have to wait until I am 20 weeks. I want to know so we can buy stuff and we are planning a trip to Disneyland before 20 weeks and I would like to get him/her something.
In the meantime, I guess it would be fun to see what other people think. One of these days I will put up a poll.
What our baby may look like
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
11 Weeks
I hit eleven weeks yesterday. The nausea is still hanging on and I am hungry all the time. Oh, I can't get enough sleep. Today was Labor Day. We slept in. I laid in bed for a while. We got breakfast. I laid on the couch. I fell asleep for at least an hour. I woke up, showered, we went to the fair and I was beat all over again. As I type, I am struggling to keep my eyes open. This is not fun for Glen, I am sure. He just lets me sleep and complain about being tired all the time. I love being pregnant, don't get me wrong, but I am glad most people don't know I am so that I can't be too vocal about my complaints. I don't want to be that pregnant woman that no one wants to be around because all they do is complain. You know who I'm talking about. So, apparently it's not a good idea for me to go on spinny carnival rides. It makes my tummy worse... Who knew? Luckily, Disneyland doesn't have many spinny rides. I really want to go before I get too big. Speaking of getting big, I can't telling if I am "showing" or just gaining weight due to the constant eating and no longer jogging everyday. I'm going with the gaining weight thing. I go to the doctor again on Friday. I hope to see a better picture this time of a jumping bean. According to the emails I get, baby's fingers and toes are no longer webbed and will be moving independently. Or, if s/he's lucky, there will be at least one set of webbed toes like me! Yep, I'm a freak.
We spent a lot of time with Theora today. I really wanted to tell her. Mostly because my weight and acne are out of control and I want her to know why. But pretty soon we will be telling everyone. I will be telling my siblings this weekend after are second ultrasound. I can't wait to tell Candice! But I wish I could tell people in person. We might have to go up to Springville this weekend just for that purpose. Taylor, Keaton, Brandon and Kody will have to be told over the phone at least. I don't think I could tell Caitie over the phone. She needs to find out in person. Mom, surprisingly, hasn't accidentally told anyone. She's is being so good, as she puts it. It will be nice when everyone knows and I can stop feeling like a dirty cow with my acne and fatness around the face and belly. People will realize it is just part of this time in my life. Strangely, I have only gained 4 lbs so far even with the dramatic change in diet and physical activity. But I feel huge!
Anywho, this was my update for now.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Heartbeat!
On August 13, 2009, Glen and I headed back to the doctor's office for our second visit. Dr. Allen slathered on the jelly and looked for a baby. He felt it was necessary to show me my bladder. I couldn't really see anything so I didn't care. Then we saw it... kinda. We saw the blob in a bigger blob. Then he turned on the sound and there it was: a little heartbeat! It was amazing! I got a little teary but luckily the lights were out so no one noticed. Dr. Allen thought he could get a better picture with a transvaginal ultrasound. It wasn't any better. But I did get to hear the heartbeat again. Then he did the tummy ultrasound again, yay! I was measuring a week behind where I thought I should be but he didn't change the due date and he won't until the next ultrasound. I am scheduled to go back on September 4, however, he told me to come back in 4 weeks and that would only be 3 weeks. The lady at the clinic counted the day I was there as one and counted 3 more to get to four weeks. So, I might call to reschedule, I might not.... I will be at almost 11 weeks by then and I don't think I could get an NT scan by then and I don't want to wait another 4 weeks for the NT scan. Mom came to visit on Sunday and we told her about the baby. She cried and was really excited. The way we did it was pretty awesome. Glen had been working on a mission scrapbook and I told him to make a page with us and the ultrasound at the end and we could show mom the scrapbook and she would get to the last page and figure it out. Well, she got to the last page where there was a wedding picture of us and stickers that said, "Mother to be" and "Father to be". She said that her first thought was that I was going to freak Glen out and he would leave me if I kept pushing this baby business. Then she saw the ultrasound photo and she said, "What?! What is this?! No! Really?!" Then the tears came. It was awesome. We had told Dad over the phone right before we told mom. He wasn't as excited but now that he knows he wants to tell everyone and he's not allowed to since we aren't ready for everyone to know yet. He called my mom and asked who he could tell and she said no one. So he said, "When you say 'no one' do you mean like no one at all?" Maybe we shouldn't have told him yet. Just kidding. I know he will respect our wishes.... Right, Dad?
Allen Family Reunion

Sunday, September 20, 2009
We did it!
I will not be publishing these posts until we have made it public, but we're pregnant! On July 16, I took a pregnancy test, 3 days early, and it was negative. I was disappointed but I knew there was still a chance. By the way, each time I take a test, I don't tell Glen for fear that he will think I am being obsessive. Anyway, I was feeling "different" for a week before I took the first test. Since it was my last test, I decided to wait a few days before going out and buying another test. I didn't really start and I normally have debilitating cramps on the first day which didn't come. I finally decided to but more tests on Wednesday night. I went to Wal-Mart (I normally buy them at Smith's but I used the excuse of getting Glen a B-Day card to go out by myself.) I bought a pack of 3 tests. That night, I started what I thought was my period and I was crushed. The next morning I decided to test again just in case. I get up early to go running every morning and Glen usually sleeps the whole time. Anyway, I take the test and it's negative. I think to myself, I should check the box just in case since this is a different brand. But no, I'm just being silly. However, I was hiding the tests in my sock drawer so Glen wouldn't see them. When I went to get socks, I looked at the box and lo and behold, what I thought was negative was actually positive. I was hyperventilating a little and doing my best to not wake up Glen. I was so excited because Glen's birthday was a week and a half later and I wanted it to be one of his presents. So, I didn't tell him right away. I called the doctor's office and made an appointment for the next Thursday, so a week from when I got the positive. The next day I went back to Wal-Mart and bought some onesies and wrapped them in the same paper as the rest of Glen's presents. But I couldn't wait any longer. Friday night, July 24th, before our date, I handed it to him and said, "Open this now, please." He really didn't want to but I made him. He was in shock! It was awesome. He just kept saying, "No, no." It was funny because not two hours earlier Candice asked if I was pregnant because her dad overheard me talking about it but actually I was talking about someone else. So I had to lie to Candice because I hadn't told Glen yet and we hadn't decided to tell anyone yet.
The next day,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009
11 Weeks
We spent a lot of time with Theora today. I really wanted to tell her. Mostly because my weight and acne are out of control and I want her to know why. But pretty soon we will be telling everyone. I will be telling my siblings this weekend after are second ultrasound. I can't wait to tell Candice! But I wish I could tell people in person. We might have to go up to Springville this weekend just for that purpose. Taylor, Keaton, Brandon and Kody will have to be told over the phone at least. I don't think I could tell Caitie over the phone. She needs to find out in person. Mom, surprisingly, hasn't accidentally told anyone. She's is being so good, as she puts it. It will be nice when everyone knows and I can stop feeling like a dirty cow with my acne and fatness around the face and belly. People will realize it is just part of this time in my life. Strangely, I have only gained 4 lbs so far even with the dramatic change in diet and physical activity. But I feel huge!
Anywho, this was my update for now.