Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Is this week over yet?
Then on Monday I continued to clean the rest of the house and do six or so loads of laundry. Glen didn't come home from work because he had to help with the elementary Christmas concerts. I met him at the school to watch the performances since my nephews were singing. Luckily my mom was able to give me a ride and help with George at the concert.
Tuesday I continued laundry and got my bedroom (the worst room of all) ready to be vacuumed. I started vacuuming and then my vacuum broke. Meanwhile, I have been trying to squeeze in as much studying as possible, which isn't a lot. Then we went to the band concerts. Glen's band was awesome! My nephew's band was pretty good, too. It was not easy to keep George under control on my own. This morning I woke up at 2 am to go to the bathroom and couldn't go back to sleep. I was too busy thinking about getting the Relief Society Christmas party ready. I have to go to the store to buy all of the food for it and it is a lot of food.
So, after laying awake for four hours, I decided I would only work a half-day today and then go to the store and buy everything so I don't have to think about it any more. Then I will deliver it all to my magnificent helpers. Tonight I am taking my final exam for Abnormal Psychology. I am not ready for it but I have to take it before we leave for Utah and this is the only free night.
Tomorrow is the dreaded concert. I guess I will be free to practice tonight after my exam since I won't need to study. Also, Theora is flying in and I will need to go pick her up. Friday should be good. My little sister will be here and I can hash out the last minute details for the activity. This activity is going to be awesome. Glen is doing a presentation on Handel's Messiah and playing the organ and Theora will be singing. She is a vocal performance graduate from SUU. Then we will have an awesome lunch. Any way, I need to go to the store!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Second Time Around
He can also say about 80% of the letters of the alphabet. He doesn't know the song but he will point out the letters in his books, on street signs, in subtitles and anywhere else he sees them. He also knows how to say numbers 2-10. He has a hard time with 1. He also points out numbers where ever he sees them. It's crazy! He's getting too big way too fast. He gives excellent hugs (or "hums" as he calls them) and kisses. He loves to be read stories before bed and he won't start eating his food until it's blessed. He tries saying the prayer on his own but it's just humming with his mouth open. That must be what I sound like when I pray...

Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Birthday Week!

In my defense, I was planning on simply celebrating my birthday on Saturday at Buca's and Glen added all of the fanfare on my actual birthday. It wasn't supposed to be a three-day celebration. Thanks Honey!!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
No More Candy!
On the day of Halloween, George's cousins and Aunt Miken came over and picked George up to go to my brother's office for their trick-or-treating. He made a killing and was a hit with the co-workers. He even stole candy from some unsuspecting little girl who only had about two candies because she had just started. He's sneaky.
That night, we went trick-or-treating in a nearby neighborhood. Our neighborhood has a lot of kids but it seemed like last year we only had a handful come by so we went somewhere else with George. The old ladies loved his hair. He would go up to the houses by himself or with the other kids and take care of business himself. No need to wait for mom and dad. Besides, he didn't want mom and dad. If he was going to hold someone's hand it was Uncle Taylor. Which seemed odd since Taylor was dressed as a zombie. But George didn't care. He knew it was just good old Uncle T.T.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Slow news day
I haven't really felt the need to update the blog in a while. We went up to Utah for a week last week and that was fun. We saw as many people as we could squeeze in to a week. It's not easy trying to see everyone you love in a place you lived for half your life (or your whole life, in Glen's case). But we did get to see our family which was the best part! We spent some time with my sister Caitie and my brother Dayton and his family. We also got to have dinner in Salt Lake with Glen's sisters, minus his littlest sister, Marianne. We went to The Spaghetti Factory and I shamelessly ate every bite of my garlic mizithra, which is just like their usual mizithra with spaghetti except it had garlic, bacon and mushrooms.... I want some right now.
Glen has officially applied to grad school! I am so excited! He still has to get accepted to ASU and then apply to the actual program but I know he will get in. He is so smart and has so much potential. Most importantly, he is most happy when he is in school learning about the subjects that most interest him. The 9 to 5 just isn't for him.
I am taking a mid-term this week for my abnormal psychology course. I'm not really prepared but I'm working on it. I just want to get these courses over with. I have decided that I don't care if I get a B. Bs are just fine. This means I can stop stressing so much about getting As. I started a horrible English course two months ago and I am not even one tenth of the way through it. I gave up about a month ago. There are so many freakin' papers for this course and I am pulling my hair out trying to understand what this professor wants. I have completed two assignments but I have to turn in the first three together and I haven't even started the third because the premise of the paper is so convoluted. I wrote a paper on my opinion of what the most important aspects of rhetoric are. Then I wrote a cover letter and resume. Now I have to write a paper on how my first two papers used my theory of rhetoric that I wrote about in my first paper on rhetoric and I have to use my theory of rhetoric while I write about it. If anyone would like to write this paper, let me know.
George and I have cold this week. He got it in Utah and gave it to me when we got home. This means I have not been able to jog all week. I want to go but then I wake up at 5 am to go and my throat hurts and my head feels foggy. I keep thinking I am better and then I wake up like that and realize I really shouldn't go jogging.
Anyway, life is great! I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
18 Months!

Can you still call an 18 month-old a baby? Well, he's my baby and he's hilarious. He does and says some funny things. I needed to go to the bathroom so I paused Sesame Street and took George with me. When we got back I couldn't find the remote so I said, "George, where is the remote?" He said, "Mo?" and started giggling. Then he pulled it out from behind my laptop where it was about a foot away from me and held it up and said, "Der it dis!" Like, "Mom, you are so dumb..." He takes after his momma in that department.
Tomorrow we will ride off into the sunset on our way to Disneyland. I watched a documentary on the park with George so he could see some of the rides and maybe recognize them when we get there. I also had him watch Nightmare Before Christmas to get ready for the Haunted Mansion. He put his hands over his ears when it first started and then he loved it! I really hope he likes to ride the rides and doesn't just cry the whole time...
I love this boy more than I thought I ever could. He's my best friend (after Glen, of course)!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Holy Crap, It's Happening!
Glen is not going because he refuses to take a day off. But now that mom is going, he wouldn't have fit in the car anyway. So, it's a girls' and babies' trip. Woot!
Friday, September 9, 2011
I'm Starving
Last night we had a RS meeting I was in charge of and we had chicken salad sandwiches on croissants. I really wanted one. Even just a spoonful of chicken salad would have been enough. But that darn mayonnaise in the salad ruined everything. Anyway, I am not usually a negative person but you know how people on a strict diet are usually moody? Well, take that times ten. Being on a forced strict diet is the worst thing ever. Anyway, that is enough negativity for one post. As soon as I realize this isn't worth it, I will be eating everything in sight. Starting with sweet pork nachos with tomatillo ranch dressing from Costa Vida.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Hives Update

And the most severe reaction of them all came from:

So, I'm going to go eat my rice with nothing on it for lunch. What is everyone else having?
But seriously folks, the doctor suggested I stop eating all of these foods for two weeks and then start reintroducing them one by one to see which one is causing the hives. I am able to manage the hives with an antihistamine but she said the reaction could develop into anaphylactic shock and so on. That's alright, I hate french fries and ketchup. And I can't stand strawberries! Ick! Ugh. My life will never be the same without most of these foods. Hopefully it turns out to be one of them and that one is oats or something. Although, I love me some oatmeal cookies. The only one I wouldn't care about is shrimp but I know it's not that because I don't eat it. Are there any on this list you could not live without?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Glen started school a few weeks ago and things are going much more smoothly this year than last. He likes the new assistant principle and he is not as strained as last year. The administration is requiring all teachers to have a prep and a normal lunch time. He had neither for the first two weeks of this year.
My schedule at work was changed so I can't work half-days on Friday anymore. I am mostly okay with this as it will make it so that Monday is not so crazy. George is becoming increasingly difficult to have around while I am trying to work. He likes to climb on me and brush my hair and yell really loud. This doesn't work when I have someone on the phone. Luckily, every once in a while, Grandma comes to save the day. Yesterday she picked him up at noon and didn't bring him back until five. It was glorious. I even took a nap. I should have been cleaning the house but the couch was calling my name.

Hope everyone is doing well out there!
Monday, August 22, 2011
At the Mall
The day is best summed up in George's words: "Weee, weee, weee!"
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I leave you with a video of my baby doing my job:
Monday, August 1, 2011
Happy Birthday!

Today is Glen's birthday! He is now as old as me. But not for long! He spent the better part of the day in training in Maricopa. If you know anything about Arizona, you know that Maricopa is in the middle of no where. It is over an hour from our house. So he left here at 6:30 am and got home around 5:00 pm. Then we dropped the rotten off at Grandma's and went out to dinner. My family came over after and we had cake and ice cream. He requested "Better than Church Cake". This is more commonly known as "Better than Sex Cake" but Glen's a prude; at least in public.
Glen is a wonderful husband and adoring father. I watch Glen with George and I see everything I should be as a mom. They are best friends! When Glen left for work this morning, George would not let him put him down. He would just start screaming every time. But, he left anyway, with me holding a screaming baby. Luckily, George fell asleep shortly thereafter and slept for three hours. Then when Glen got home, George ran to his daddy and anytime I even looked at him, he got mad and waved me away. He is his daddy's boy.
He works really hard at his job, delaying his dream of a Master's and Doctorate while I finish my Bachelor's. He is the reason I am finishing it. I kept saying I didn't really need it and he kept saying I did. He knows how important it is to me even when I don't.
Thanks for everything honey! I love you! Happy Birthday!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Update Your Blog Day!
We saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II last night/this morning! It was awesome! We had readmit tickets from a previous purchase and we were told we could use them for any movie. Therefore, we paid the price of a regular ticket but were able to see Harry Potter in IMAX 3-D. It was fabulous! We got in line around 9:30 and waited until 12:05 for the movie to start. My sweet mother stayed the night at our house so that we could go. Isn't she awesome? While the movie was not inline with the book completely, I feel David Yates does a great job of making sure the most important aspects are still present.
Next time you see George, ask him what a chicken says. You are sure to smile!
PS. I thought I had already mentioned this but I guess not: I am now in the Relief Society Presidency. I never knew how much work goes into such a calling...
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
15 months!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Die Hard
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

So remember this post? Well, I started the Bachelor of General Studies program in October of last year. It took some time getting through the first course because of some confusion with the final exam since I originally enrolled at BYU under Chelsea Allen and they still had me with that name... Anyway, I am currently working on my psychology of gender course. It is course number five of eleven. It's interesting trying to squeeze my courses into the rest of my life. Also, making sure we have the money for it. That part is probably the hardest. For this reason, I took a couple of months off. But I have started again. Just today in fact. Here's hoping I finish before George starts preschool!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
So, I did it! I lost 46 pounds as of the day before we left. However, I gained a little weight while we were out... Not surprising by any means but we did still jog 4 out of 5 days and I didn't eat a lot of crap because I was not feeling well for three of the days. I thought for several hours I was pregnant because that is what the nausea I had felt like. But I took a pregnancy test and it was negative and as soon as I crossed the border back into the states I was feeling just fine. I have never had stomach issues in Mexico. I have a stomach of steel. But not this year...
The trip was a huge success! George absolutely loved the beach. He sat in the sand and played with shovels and buckets and he even braved the surf. When we went fishing and snorkeling, he wanted to get in the ocean with me so I let him. We had a wonderful time with family and can't wait for the next year! Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip:

I hesitate to post this last one... but it's for posterity, right? Every kid is looking for a bikini shot of her great-grandma, right?