I have pictures. Lots of 'em. But they are trapped in my camera. Someday I will get a new camera and not lose the USB cord so I can upload pictures with ease. But until that time, you have to settle with using your imagination and looking at poor quality pictures from my phone. This Christmas we went up north. We started our journey on Sunday, December 20th. We drove up to Springville and spent the night in my parents little house. We had it all to ourselves which was really nice. I went in to work in Murray from Monday through Wednesday. It was great to meet all of the new people who have started since I was last up there. Monday night Glen and I went up to Salt Lake and went shopping. It was freezing! But we had dinner at Biaggi's and it was pretty good! Plus we got to spend the evening alone. Tuesday night we took Glen's dad, Wayne and little sister, Marianne, to Tucano's. We love Rodizio Grill but we figured Wayne wouldn't want to go all the way to Salt Lake just for dinner. So we settled with Tucano's. They had never been and the restaurant serves a lot of the food Glen at while in Brazil so it was fun to share that with them. (PS. we later found out there is a new Rodizio Grill in American Fork. Go figure!) Anywho, it was good food and good fun.
Wednesday night, Candice and I braved the crowds and headed to Wal-Mart for some last minute shopping. Luckily people are usually really nice to two pregnant ladies so this close to Christmas they were at least decent instead of horrible. However, Thursday, Christmas Eve, I went to Reams and was almost cutoff by a rushed shopper with one item. Luckily I kept my cool and just kept walking so she didn't make it in front of me. There was no one else in line so I don't know what her big deal was. I had like 7 items. Come on people! It's Christmas! Anyway, Glen and I headed up to Farmington for the annual Hicks/Loveless Christmas Eve party. It was really fun as usual. The food was awesome and we all opened presents. I think I won in the present department though. Since I have a nephew in my belly, he got a present from his little cousin Aaron. He got a Diaper Genie! So really, I got a present and I'm so excited! Later that night we found ourselves and Dayton and Candice's (from now on they will be known as D & C) place to open the "star present". This is the present we get to open on Christmas Eve. It is always pajamas. The purpose of this is to ensure good looking people in your Christmas Day photos. Glen got me really cute pink and gray pajama pants and a maternity shirt that says Baby with a big heart. I love them! Glen got the usual plaid pants and an Old Navy shirt.
Knowing the babies at D & C's house would sleep until at least 7 am meant I got to sleep in this Christmas. Of course I still naturally woke up at 5 like I do every Christmas, but this year I went right back to sleep. I'm usually the one to wake everyone else up but I'm too tired as of late. We packed up our presents and headed to D & C's. So, now it is time for the present wrap-up: Chelsea from Glen received: One freakin' awesome body pillow, The Little Mermaid, Mario Kart Wii, maternity clothes, candy, a new electric toothbrush and a beautiful sewing machine! Glen receive from Chelsea: two organ books, DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons, clothes, a lamp for the piano and random food stuffs he specifically asked for. (I think he did a better job... but these are things he asked for...) We also got a really nice piece of artwork from our friends the Carnesecca's that has our name and wedding date on it. My mom and dad got Glen a Flip video camera and me another cottage for my Christmas village. They are also taking us all to Mexico at the end of May!
We ate a hearty breakfast and then headed over to Glen's dad's house to open presents with them. From Wayne I got the cutest onesie ever! He is a farmer so it is just perfect! It is pictured above. I also got the movie "A Christmas Story" which strangely enough we did not have yet. From Glen's sister Marie I got a maternity sweater and a scarf to match. They are really cute! Glen got an Old Spice gift set. He loves Old Spice so that was perfect. Wayne also put together a photo album of old family photos which we don't have a lot of so that was really nice. Marie got Glen books of organ music. After presents, the four of us (Glen, me, Marie and Marianne) met up with D & C at the movies to see Sherlock Holmes. I loved it but a couple in our party felt it lacked a certain something. That night we had dinner at D & C's house with Candice's mom and little sister.
Saturday we spent most of the day at Glen's dad's. We had lunch with them and then played the 1981 version of Trivial Pursuit. It was fun to guess things like what company has the 2nd largest truck fleet when it is now 28 years later and the answer has probably changed. We came home Saturday night. We have been playing with our new toys ever since. I can't get Glen to stay home more than a few hours before he is off to the church to play his new organ music. What a nut! But he does play Mario Kart with me and we have a blast. Anywho, that was our Christmas. Now we are back home and I am back to work and Glen is trying to fill the rest of his break with unproductive activities. (If you read all of this you are a true friend. Remember, blogs are somewhat of a journal so I have to make sure I include everything)